As Entek, we have been producing with the awareness of respecting society, nature and future generations in the energy sector in which we have been operating since 1995, and we are proud to work to add value to our country by focusing on providing innovative solutions for a sustainable world. We develop all our processes with our people-oriented perspective, with the culture we have created by adopting the philosophy of Vehbi Koç, the founder of Koç Holding, to which we are affiliated, “My most important capital is my human resources”
Our management philosophy, which we follow to achieve our goals of becoming one of the leading players in energy production and trade with our investments focused on renewable energy production and producing value-added energy solutions based on blockchain, e-mobility and smart systems; We have determined it as putting forward a sustainable business model that is friendly to people and the environment, focused on producing economic value. With our low-carbon economy model, we aim to use renewable energy resources and carbon-free, zero-emission technologies in our future investments.
Focusing on investing in new generation energy technologies as well as renewable energy sources, we established the "Enspire Creative Energy Solutions" brand in 2020 to implement energy efficiency and on-site energy generation projects that will transform energy consumption. Enspire operates in many areas, from self-consumption applications such as rooftop solar energy, ORC, to energy efficiency projects, from electricity sales and trading to energy storage systems. Today, we carry out our electricity generation activities with the natural gas power plant located in Kocaeli, the hydroelectric power plants established in various regions of Turkey and the first wind power plant, Süloğlu RES, which we acquired in August 2021.
With our vision of being a new generation leading company in electrical energy, we aim to continuously improve our performance with our mission to produce innovative solutions and quality energy for future generations and a sustainable world.