Entek Elektrik Üretimi A.Ş., one of Turkey’s first Private Sector Autoproducer Groups, was established in 1995 to supply electricity and steam to group companies. With the liberalization of the market in the following years, it transformed into a Generation Company and became one of the key players in the industry.
Commercial production began in December 1998. Currently, Entek operates a natural gas power plant with an installed capacity of 112 MW in its Kocaeli Facility and a wind power plant with an installed capacity of 66 MW in its Süloğlu Facility in Edirne, along with a 20 MW solar power plant in the same location. Additionally, Entek has a 50 MW wind power plant in its Kınık Facility in İzmir and eight hydroelectric power plants with a total installed capacity of 264 MW in various locations, including Samsun (Kumköy HPP), Karaman (Damlapınar and Kepezkaya HPP), Mersin – Mut (Azmak 1, Azmak 2, and Kirpilik HPP), and Kahramanmaraş (Menzelet and Kılavuzlu HPP).
As of today, Entek's total installed capacity is 512 MW.
Under the Balancing and Settlement Regulation, electricity and steam sales are conducted to Enerji Piyasaları İşletme A.Ş. (EPİAŞ) and directly to customers through bilateral agreements.
In addition to generation activities, Entek expanded into the wholesale electricity market by establishing ELTEK Elektrik Enerjisi İthalat İhracat ve Toptan Ticaret A.Ş. on December 16, 2003.
ELTEK, as one of the first companies to obtain a Wholesale License under the Energy Market Law No. 4628, which came into effect in 2001, began selling electricity to eligible consumers on May 4, 2004.
Through its commercial operations, ELTEK creates value for all business partners, stakeholders, and customers. Some of its key business activities include:
Customer complaints
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Please click for the Summary Report of Complaints from Consumers.